Faith Life » Service Hours & Opportunities

Service Hours & Opportunities

What is a “service time” requirement?

High schools will typically require students to do some kind of “volunteer service time” as part of their education—it is a common practice. Each school communicates their own requirements and guidance in this area.

Why do schools in general (not just Lutheran schools) often require service time?

High schools and our culture in general have discovered that people “serving others” benefit psychologically, finding more fulfillment and satisfaction. Besides this, students also need personal service activities to write about as they apply for tuition scholarships and colleges. Also, students involved in service to others also develop life skills useful for future vocations.

Besides these secular benefits (listed above) why do Christian schools often require service time?

Christian schools want students to show their faith by their actions. After all, “faith without works is dead” (James 2:17). Lakeside wants students to see the world and the people around them as places and people to serve, as though they were seeing Christ: “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’” (Matthew 25:40). Lakeside wants students to discover their spiritual gifts, and often that happens as students get involved in different ways of serving others: “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good” (1 Corinthians 12:7). Lakeside wants all students to be involved in their school, their churches, and their communities as they “let their lights shine” (Matthew 5:16). "For the love of Christ compels us, because we came to this conclusion: One died for all; therefore, all died. And he died for all, so that those who live would no longer live for themselves but for him, who died in their place and was raised again" (2 Corinthians 5: 14-15).

Shouldn’t Christian students naturally serve others? Isn’t this program “legalistic” in nature?

Ideally, all Christians will serve others motivated by the love of Jesus. However, we also recognize that students will often fall short of this ideal because of their sinful natures: “I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out” (Romans 7:15-18).
While the Gospel is our motivation for everything, students in a school setting need to be held accountable as they seek to overcome their sinful nature and glorify God with their lives.

If this is a school-wide requirement, why are theology teachers managing it?

This responsibility has been divided up among the theology teachers. The first-semester theology teacher introduces the concept to their students at the beginning of the year and offers guidance and gospel-encouragement. The theology teachers in both semesters will receive log sheets in their respective semesters and save them.

What exactly are the requirements for student service time ?

  • Freshmen and sophomores are required to serve others in some capacity for a minimum of 6 hours during the academic school year. 3 hours must be completed in the 1st semester. 3 hours must be completed in the 2nd semester
  • Juniors and seniors are required to serve others in some capacity for a minimum of 10 hours during the academic school year and the summer preceding it (not the summer following the school year).  5 hours must be completed in the 1st semester. 5 hours must be completed in the 2nd semester

Special time-frames where hours may be earned

Hours earned in the summer preceding the school year may count for your 1st semester hours. After completing the 1st semester hours, any hours earned after the 1st semester due date may be used for the 2nd semester hours.


Students are to keep track of their service time on forms provided by the school. They may turn them in as soon as they fill out the form. All students must turn in their required hours around 3-4 weeks before exam week each semester. The religion teacher will give the specific date because it may change slightly year to year.

What happens if I don’t complete my required service hours?

Each semester, there will be a test score recorded at the end of the given semester in your religion class. If the hours are fully completed for that semester (i.e. all 3 hours for 1st semester) then you will receive the full credit of the test score. If they are turned in late or not in full, there may be a penalty in the grade.

What if I earned more hours in a semester than required? Do they carry over?

To encourage serving multiple times throughout the year and not just one big event, we are splitting up when hours are accepted. 1st semester hours can only count for 1 semester. 2nd semester hours can only count for 2nd semester. If you serve more than the required amount, still feel free to include that on your sheet so it may be stored away with the guidance office if you should ever need to pull the “evidence” of your volunteer hours.

Service Hours Guidelines

  1. Meet the expectations of your religion instructors. Ask them for guidance, ideas, and respect their clearly defined instructions and deadlines. Respect their approvals or rejections of your requests. 
  2. Look for things that interest you and have meaning for your personal life. It is easier to serve when you do things you love for things that are important to you.
  3. Look for things that do not fill requirements for another class or organization (NHS, Teens for Christ, A Capella, Operation Go, Athletics, etc.).
  4. When possible look for things that serve our WELS and ELS churches and schools or that impact the purpose and ministry of Lakeside.
  5. Seek also to use your gifts and talents to serve Christ by serving others in ways that allow you exercise your faith in communities, family groups and people with needs.
  6. Teachers will submit your service time and hours to the guidance office to be put on file for applying for scholarships or colleges.
  7. A called worker or other official person in charge of where you served must verify your service by signing for it. The proper form must be filled out. 

Suggested Places to Begin

1) LLHS: LLHS Grade School Events, BB Tournaments, Spelling Bee, Recruitment events, Recruitment with Mr. Lauber, Grand Event (set up, serving), Chapel Set Up with Mr. Peters 

2) Twice is Nice: Saturdays, Major Turnovers, General Help

3) Local Churches: Advent / Lenten Suppers (Non-Op Go), Ushering, Maintenance, Sunday School, Easter Breakfast, Choir, Instrumentalist, VBS

4) LES Schools: Cleaning, Tutoring, Coaching, Reffing, Babysitting (unpaid)

5)  Community: Clean Up, Events, Nursing Homes, Fire Hall events

6) Other? Come up with a great idea and talk to your teacher! 

Serving out of love doesn't always include official service hours.