Parents » Welcome to

Welcome to

Parents! Here is all the information you need to be connected to your student's life. Through the links on the right, you can shoot to the School Calendar, PowerSchool access, Warrior Weekly E-Newsletter, LLHS Staff Directory, Lunch Accounts, Documents/Forms & other important information.

As a Warrior parent, you are an important part of the LLHS Family. We want you to be involved!
Parents play vital roles as volunteers, members of our Warrior Club and Music Parent Organization (MPO), and governing boards. Parent partnership is vital to Lakeside's success.
Also, please share comments and suggestions on how we can improve our service to you.

Lakeside 411

Not sure which person can answer your questions? Here's our 411! 
  • Absence from school: School voicemail attendance line (before 7:30) or Mrs. Amanda Brock / Mrs. Missy McKenna [the receptionists] (after 7:30)
  • Message for a student: Mrs. Amanda Brock / Mrs. Missy McKenna 
  • Academics/scheduling: First Mr. Andy Rosenau (Grades 10 & 12) or Mrs. Jennifer Statz (Grades 9 & 11), then Mrs. Ruth Fenske
  • Grades: First the classroom teacher, then Mr. Andy Rosenau (Grades 10 & 12) or Mrs. Jennifer Statz (Grades 9 & 11)
  • Behavior in school: First Mr. John Dorn, then Pastor Don Schultz
  • Classroom issues: First the classroom teacher, then Mr. Dan Kuehl
  • Busing - Route information: Mr. Todd Grundman
  • Busing - Bus behavior: Mr. John Dorn
  • Tuition/financial aid: Mr. Kirk DeNoyer ([email protected]) or Mrs. Becky Retzlaff (email is best; [email protected])
  • Development Office: Mr. Bruce Davis, [email protected] 
  • Extended Learning Center: Mrs. Shelly Coron
  • School issues: First Mr. John Dorn, then Pastor Don Schultz 
  • General questions: First check the website, then Mrs. Missy McKenna ([email protected])
  • Music: Mr. Steve Springborn (Choir) or Mr. Glen Pufahl (Band)
  • Sports and Activities: First the coach, then Mr. Todd Jahns
  • Chromebook: Mr. Phil Dretske, then Mr. Todd Grundman
  • Scrip Orders: Mrs. Melissa Cooley
  • Executive Director: Mr. Kirk DeNoyer

Hallway numbers and numbers on every door

Want to figure out your way around school? The map below shows you the main floor, colorized by hallway. The lower level is numbered in the 600s, from the weight room to the classrooms.
The west locker rooms and some non-public maintenance rooms are numbered in the 700s on the lower level.