Academics » Chromebook


1:1 Initiative, aka Chromebooks


Lakeside provides Google Chromebooks for students to use during their four years at Lakeside. By integrating technology into all areas of instruction, we will provide the best experience for our students, which will prepare them for their post-graduation plans. Through collaboration with our Extended Learning Center, we are working to incorporate a variety of teaching methods, including the use of Chromebooks, in order to provide a better learning experience.

Equipping students with their own Chromebooks benefits the students and school by:

  • Providing additional options for presentation of information in classes
  • Providing access to additional current materials for classroom use
  • Encouraging faculty members to reevaluate the methods of teaching in their classroom
  • Providing additional resources not normally available to both teachers and students
  • Achieving a paperless environment as much as possible
  • Achieving ISTE NETS standards throughout the curriculum
  • Addressing needs identified through the Accreditation process surrounding technology in the classroom
  • Building on the technology foundation laid by our Federated Lutheran elementary schools who have adopted 1:1 programs or are increasing their technology use
  • Allowing us to fully use systems already in place to extend the classroom such as Moodle and Google Apps for Education
  • Reducing the digital divide between school and home
  • Encouraging collaboration outside of the school day by students and teachers
  • Equipping students for their future in a technology rich world
  • Training our students throughout the curriculum to show and share their faith as digital citizens in a digital world
  • Creating device uniformity across the school allowing for the technology to benefit the classroom rather than the technology impeding the education

From the Student Handbook

Each student must agree to use Lakeside's computer devices and network by signing the "Acceptable Use Policy" and the "Chromebook User Agreement." Copies are available in the office if students miss the class period they are discussed. We've also included it at the bottom of this page.
Highlights of the Acceptable Use Policy include
  • Inappropriate use of a computer will result in loss of computer privileges.
  • Stealing or using the password of anyone else is a serious problem and will be dealt with accordingly.
  • Unauthorized use of a teacher’s or staff member’s computer, or stealing or using the password or identity of a teacher or staff member, may lead to expulsion from Lakeside Lutheran.
  • Any attempt to “hack” the computer system of Lakeside Lutheran (from onsite or offsite) may also lead to expulsion. Damaging the network or network files of Lakeside Lutheran may become a legal matter as well.
Because each of us is a disciple of Christ all day long, Lakeside students are expected to conduct themselves in a Christian manner whenever they are on the internet, on or off campus. LLHS students are prohibited from electronically submitting, publishing, displaying, or transmitting any material that describes or depicts sinful, illegal, or inappropriate behavior. This includes, but is not limited to, defamatory, inaccurate or abusive material, or threatening or obscene material. This behavior may not take place on social networking websites or on any other website or public forum, on or off campus. Those who do so are subject to disciplinary action. Misconduct may affect co-curricular performance (see “Athletics and Other Co-Curricular Opportunities”).