Giving » Where to Give

Where to Give

Gifts to the general fund keep Lakeside running day-in and day-out—payroll, lights and electricity, building maintenance, books, office supplies, technology and more.


Currently 20% of our student body receives financial aid from Lakeside. We want to do all we can to support those who wish to receive a Christian education from Lakeside.



Because of your generosity, we have no building mortgage. Our Building Improvement Fund will operate with debt-free spending to plan for areas of improvement and/or renewal.

It’s our prayer that you continue to partner with us to support other opportunities we had put aside until we retired this loan. A recent staff survey asked for areas of improvement and/or renewal. Staff-suggested projects range in ambition and budget from the development of dedicated space for student “newscasts” (for coursework and co-curricular activities), to an addition that reflects the needs of our growing STEM department (including a future Bio-Med track) and cafeteria/main entry overhauls.

We plan to use debt-free spending to accomplish them. Our “Building Improvement Fund” will dovetail with other spending areas toward the overall advancement of our mission to “educate, encourage and equip students for life and for eternity.”


Your generous offerings to our Annual Fund are distributed among and directly impact our General Operating Fund, Financial Aid, and Building Improvements.

Whether you yourself are, or whether you know a past, current, or future Warrior, please help to continue this mission with your donation today. Your gift supports our grateful ministry and core values. Christ in everything. Excellence. Family. Servant leadership. Accountability.

Complete the giving form in a new browser window here. Options to pay online via Paypal/credit card or drop off/mail a check are available on the form. 
Questions or comments? Call Bruce Davis at 920-648-2321 x2217


We give thanks for our humble past. We celebrate the present. We look to the future with faith.

Occasionally, our faculty has some items that were not covered in the budget. Our wish list allows you to support specific items. If you are interested in learning more about funding a special project, please contact Bruce Davis in the Development Office at 920-648-2321 x 2217 or by email at [email protected].
The Lakeside Lutheran Foundation, Inc. was established to assist individuals or groups in providing long-range financial support to Lakeside Lutheran High School. 

What is the Lakeside Lutheran Foundation?

The Lakeside Lutheran Foundation, Inc. was established to assist individuals or groups in providing long range financial support to Lakeside Lutheran High School. This support comes from cash and other “tax smart” ways to donate including lifetime gifts, charitable trusts, deferred giving plans, or wills.

How is it organized?

The Foundation is a duly incorporated, state regulated, tax exempt organization which is managed by a Board of Directors which governs all activities. This board is comprised of seven volunteer Christian leaders from the area who are firmly committed to the promotion and continuation of Lakeside Lutheran High School.

Whom does it benefit?

Earnings from the Foundation support the long term operations of Lakeside Lutheran High School.


Contact our development office at 920-648-2321 x2223 or [email protected] to learn more about how you can support any of these or other areas.